Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Role of The Investigator

What makes a good computer forensics investigator? information for you, the ability to be creative in the discovery of evidances, to be rigorous in the application of a disciplined process, and to understand the legal issues that are involved every step of the way. However, other factors play into the equation, depending on the investigation's context. Stories of investigators who ruined or destroyed a case because of incompetence or arrogance are all too familiar. You must have a complete understanding of the risk you are taking on when accepting a case.
  • Investigator Bias  
The Investigator must play the role of an unbiased third party. Think of it in terms of traditional forensic sciences. For example, if the scientist performing a blood test in aviolent crime case is friend with the suspect, the results of the test are dubious at best the samething holds for computer forensics. As those who have been on stand in this position will attest, you must be unbrased. If the opposing counsel can create the impression that you are biassed, you will be embarrassed the stand or in deposotion.